Welcome to St. Mark’s!
We are a Christ-centered, multi-generational church family seeking to live out our faith in Jesus in what we say and do.
Sunday Worship
On Sunday mornings our family worship time is 10:30 a.m. Our worship services combine new choruses and traditional hymns for a blended style of worship. We have a fantastic music program and lively services where everyone is welcome.
We have Sunday School for children ages 3 to 16 during the service. Children join us for the beginning of worship and after “Gospel Treasures” head to the Hall for a time of song, Bible stories, and crafts.
After the service we have a weekly fellowship time for people to have a cup of tea or coffee and some crackers and cheese or a cookie as they chat and get to know each other better.
Ministry Team
Our ministers, Rev. Paula Hamilton and Major Rev. Dr. Tom Hamilton, serve in Team Ministry. Rev. Paula and Dr. Tom bring their combined gifts and abilities to our Church Family in a variety of ways and their weekly messages bring the Gospel into focus and relate it to our every day lives and activities.
During the week, we offer other programs such as CIA (Youth Group), Women’s Association, Silver Belles (Sr. Women’s Group), Men’s Breakfast, Choir, Prayer Team, Faith Lessons/Discovery Group (held intermittently throughout the year, usually meeting at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoons), and Movie Nights (as announced, usually held on Sunday evenings).
We also host a variety of other events such as concerts, yard sales, a compost sale, and various other activities to which the community is invited to take part.
CLICK on the “HOME” Tab for our latest events and activities.
Please come and join us for worship on Sunday and experience the warm welcome of the St. Mark’s Church Family.
“As God sent Christ into the world, so He sends us. We are here to proclaim Christ in word and deed.”
St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church
7 Tamarac Avenue (at the corner of Brackley Point Rd & Pine Dr)
P.O. Box 20007, RPO Sherwood
Charlottetown, PE, C1A 9E3
Tel: (902) 892-5255 Fax: (902) 892-0685
Contact us via email** at stmarkspres@eastlink.ca
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