Our church library is now online!
Click here to visit our library website.
In order to borrow any books from our collection, you will need to create a free Librarika account. Click here to register.
This is what the Register Account Page looks like. Fill out your information and when you’re finished, click the green “I agree, please create my account” button. Once you create your account, you should see an email verification page:
Go to your email that you used to sign up, open the email from Librarika, and follow the steps to verify your email. When your account page should open:
Now, you are going to need to request member access to our church library website. To do this, you are going to click on the blue “Request Member Access” button and then type in our library website link:
After this, you should get a confirmation of your request.
Once we accept your request, you will be able to borrow any books or DVDs from our catalogue!